Friday, February 03, 2006

Farida's New Adventure

Hello all,
Hope you are doing well. I wanted to send you all a note about my latest escapade. It's probably one of the most dangerous ones I have undertaken lately. No, its not boating in Bali, nor bungee jumping in the Amazon, I am leaving APQC (home) to venture out into the big bad world to try my hand at strategic planning and IT related consulting.

As some of you know, APQC has been home for me for the past thirteen years and having this blog for the past two has been amazing. Since I started this blog with APQC's name on it I feel compelled to leave it here as I move on to newer and scarier things.

Of course I will be starting my new blog shortly and you will find me on the blogosphere soon. My new e-mail is fhasanali @

Meanwhile don't give up on this blog. Its being taken over by Wesley Vestal, APQC's lead KM guru. Wes has been consulting in KM for the past 8 years and has some great experiences and insights to share with you all. He has implemented KM, scorecards, measures, leadership strategies, etc. etc. You name it he has done it. Although I am very sad to leave this blog for now I am also very excited that Wes is taking it over.

Again, when I get my new link, I will post it on this blog for you.

You all now have my new e-mail, please fix the spacing and send me a note.
to all of you
take care

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